Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

The Blue Sunday

y this is not first time, this just another blue day...
begin with hear so many touchfull testimony in my new church, that so realy realize me if our live is so precious even that so many obstacles which maybe hurt or make a pain for us..
and its continue with watching a very meaningfull movie its titled im not stupid too.. one movie from singapore
this movie is really good i think, and the story in this movie almost same with my live story..
its full with so many good point that we can take for our live..
when you watch this movie you can be feel sad, cry and laugh coz some funny part of this movie, the story is so simple, its show about some problems thats be in the reality.
about the sons who less attention from their parents, about how important to appreciate the other talents, and about how so precious a praised that we says.

actually there's be so many problems like this in the real life, but sometime we dont put a lot of attentions and understand. if the problem was be and happen, we just new realize it.
its so hard to make one so many feels, or if we want the other to understand what we feel. just with a good comunication one relation can be made with good, moreover with an opening heart and mind. cuz sometime we often feel so right about what we do for the other, but its not same for the other who feel what was we did for them..
so watch it out.. its a recommended movie from me.. a good movie can make you thinking, and made you becoming a better and wiser person

when was the last time you praised someone? and when was the last time someone praised you?
sometime we think if to say a praised word isn't so important to do, but without you know even we say just a little or short word.. it will be so meaningfull for the one who deserve it cuz have done a good thing for example.. y i know, sometime maybe we feel so prestige to praise someone, but from now you must realize if someone sometime can grow up and being motivated because of praised..

life will be more beautifull if we can appreciate each other.. even just a little thing we do, it can be hav a big mean for the other..
cuz being neglected people is feel so hurt, you be denied.. and reputed just as a shadow..
no one admitting your existence..
its like even we seems have everything it all, but we will still feel so empty..

start from today, we must more appreciate the other feel..
keep watch what we do and says.. cuz maybe it can hurt someone feel..
i think its not too hard to put a respect for the other, cuz someday you will be get a bigger respect too..

do what you want the other do for you...

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

The Black Clods

This morning even i still feel so sleepy.. i try to wake up for study and remember some formula that i need to use in the mid exam..
but when i look my watch it show 7:30 am so i think there's no time again for study
so i just go to take a bath and go to campus as soon as possible..

after i hav arrived at the class, i take some time to learn again some part that i dont understand and wish that part dont out in the exam.. i dont feel so sure if the exam will be so easy, but i'll try to believe if what i hav learn will be usefull and can help me to finish this exam..

finally the time come 9 am, the exam begin.. the answer sheet and the case paper is shared by the lecture..
first thing that i do is look the case.. its be 4 numbers and when i read it one by one, i can know if the exam will be not very smooth as i think..
from 4 numbers, i just know the case number 3 and its point just 4 from 30..
the 3 numbers again i dont know how to solve that things.. but i remember one thing, one principle from my PIC if you find the difficult case that you cant be solve, just try to solve it as well as you can..
so i just try to solve the all case and fill the answer sheet with anything that i know..

after that exam, i keep wondering whats wrong with the mid exam? is it cuz of i dont have enough time to study, is it cuz i dont understand what the lecture explaine in the class or is it because there so many thing that too much too thinking about, so i cant be focus to my study..
y whatever the reason , i try not to blame anyone or anything.. maybe the wrong one is me.. im not ready for this exam  not trying hard and dont hav a max effort to learn...

y its like my stat today, i've been walking down and keep walking down why this black cloud keeps walking around me..

i dont know what must i do for the next time.. in the one part i want to continue this way and keep trying to finish all of this.. but im not sure if i can do that and i afraid if i just will be wasting my time..
and in the other part if i give up and back i think its not solve the problem and im not sure too if there will be better then here for me...
y its still be a confusing thing for thinking...

i wont be regret all decision that i hav take, but i thing there's still be so many better option out there that i can choose..
why i must choose difficult way if there still be an easy way?

yup, its to late..
and today i was make my final decision if i will try to finish this chapter one as best as i can do..
if the result still bad like today, y i think i must made one conclusion if at here isnt my place..

the most disturbing part is i have so many people near me now that really dont understand my condition, they are not support or help me to study well, but give a lot of invitation to "having fun" that really hard to refuse..
and i have accept some of it, with the pressure and regretfull of course..
y i think the main point i be here is to study, not to playing around or do some nationalism activity for my country... y its important to do i know, but its not my interest point why i come to here...
im an Indonesian students, but im not too comfort for always being related with everything that other Indonesian students did..
i am what i am... i have my own way to live, to express my feel, and to thinking.. so please apreciate this!!
i think i dont need to explaine this directly to them for make them realize if what they do is not thing that i want

but its so hard, they proud with the differenciation that they have... but they cant accept if im being diffrence with them... hah, its so ridicolous.. is it wrong to be difference?

y whatever i was dont care with all things they do.. i just will be concern with my job and finish this as well as i can..

"I can live until now because im still walk on my tight way, the difference way that they think is so weird to walk.."


I believe someone out there will make eveything better for me, if there's none, then I'll make it BEST on my own :)

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010


Headache, Lieur, Janger, n nyeri sirah... thats what i feel now...
im not try to gripe, but this is a fact
its TMTH, too much too handle.. i just want to walk straight forward..
and in the way, there's be so much obstacles that really disturbing..

y, sometime it feel really hard coz it come from my surroundings comunity
and if i reject them, so maybe they will sheer off me.. y everything is gonna be wrong
coz i be in the wrong place or time..

want to back up, but it was too late..
so i just can move straight forward now, with more difficult path that i must passed by..

it doesn't need too much hear what the other said about us, talk a negative thing, and see what the other did behind us.. i let them to do whatever they want to do, but they can't let me to do anything that i want to do..
its so crafty right, i very hate that thing...

why we can work together, to get what we wanted as our purpose.. but otherwise we even bring down each other..

i was stuck here, and i must still be here..

in the other country that i never know before.. with a very dicipline, diligent, and enthusiasm people..
y i want to be like them, i think its good.. cuz if we live in a new place, i think we must follow that place tradition and habits.. as long as that still be good for us

but the close minded people just want to keep their old tradition that they are think the best..

y i love this country and this city, but i love it in the different part with the different way too

i love the green environtment, a big trees everywhere.. even in the big city and inside the university

but i hate the weather.. sometime really hot and sometime is very cool too

and the biggest weather disaster is typhoon

its blew everything, and broke down all things that it pass

yes based on that, i think my small village is still the best for me, even it haven't a great building and big park like here, but it can give a comfort and silent to live..

y wait for me my village, just 2,5 months again i will be back..

and as the last word, i have one note about the number one.. one isn't a small number, but one is the base and starting point for count the next bigger number..

The Power of "One"

One flower can awake
One tree can start a forest
One bird can herald spring
One star can guide a ship lost at sea

One song can spark a moment
One smile begins a friendship
One vote settles the future of a nation
One word frames the big goal

One sunbeam can light a dark room
One laugh can conquer gloom
One courageous step starts a suprising journey 
One hope encourages our spirits

One tender touch can show our concern
One sincere heart tears down the wall between people
One word of praise makes people feel warm and beloved
One life can witness the miracle!

Never look down on the power of "one"
it's often the greatest key to changing the world